Note: This post contains references to bodily functions. If you are squeamish, don't read it...
The bathroom is supposed to be a place for privacy, right? You get to go in, close the door and be alone with your thoughts and bodily functions. WRONG! Not in my house. With two small daughters, I am almost never alone in the bathroom. I cherish the ugly salmon-colored stalls at work where I can actually do my business alone. I make frequent trips to the bathroom when I'm there just so I don't forget what it's like to pee in private.
This morning I was home with the girls - one of them is recovering from a random summer fever and the other has just come down with it. When I went into the bathroom to use the toilet, this was the scene: the baby was sitting on the floor, pulling at the small bits of toilet paper that are always stuck to the empty roll. My pre-schooler is standing next to me as I sit on the toilet, holding onto my left arm, as she often does when she needs comfort or a snuggle. Needless to say this is not the easiest way to get your body to produce its waste. It appeared that this would be an unproductive trip so I stood up to finish my business and discovered that today was the day that my period decided to make its reappearance - after 2 lovely years without it (yes, that's what happens when pregnant and then nursing). What a kick in the pants! Of course the only pad that I can find is leftover from just after the baby was born. It resembles an inflatable mattress. The pre-schooler wants to know, "What's that, mama? What are you doing?"
Even as I write this post, the baby has her head in my lap and the pre-schooler is jumping up and down and singsonging that she needs to poop and can I please come sit outside the bathroom door while she does that? Sigh. There are certainly worse problems in the world than having two lovely little girls who want their mama!
Good Lord woman! You need a vacation. Can I come with you? :-)
At least they didn't start asking you why you were bleeding and did you have a booboo.
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